University of Hambourg, Centre for Globalization and Governance, March 23rd-24th, 2017

Social Finance, Impact Investing, and the Financialization of the Public Interest - Hambourg, 2017

Social finance covers a wide range of practices aiming at providing private capital to social organizations, businesses and funds. The development of these practices is justified by promising ways to finance development and social policies in a period of austerity that sees limits to and reductions in public spending. Social finance is a heterogeneous field in the process of formation. Various types of actors are interested in the development of these practices, among them audit and consulting firms, private and public fund managers, banks, foundations and social entrepreneurs. Like practices and actors, financed objects vary largely, ranging from investments into the Global South, such as microfinance, locally owned cooperatives, certified B corporations, or private-public hybrid organizations in Western welfare states. These activities come with a general redefinition of the public interest and the welfare state.

A conference hosted by Hamburg University, Centre for Globalisation and Governance, Germany. 

Date: 23-24 March 2017

Conveners: Eve Chiapello (EHESS Paris) and Lisa Knoll (University of Hamburg)

Organizing committee includes Philipp Golka (PhD, Jena University), Theo Bourgeron (PhD, Edinburgh University) and Laure Celerier (PhD, HEC Paris)

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